
we are saatchi

Strategy Intern (JUNE 2018- aUGUST 2018)


Torrance, CA

June 2018 - PRESENT

Saatchi & Saatchi LA (We Are Saatchi) is an advertising agency that handles business with Toyota North America, Toyota Global and Asics.

  • Collaborated with team for strategy on internal brief that was presented to seven executive and c-suite level associates 

  • Researched and compile consumer insights included in briefs and strategic reports for creative and Toyota client briefs

  • Maintain up-to-date reports and trends on the automotive industry for the strategic department 

  • Leverage research tools to create comprehensive consumer POVs to better narrow target audiences


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The Martin Agency

Account Management Intern

Richmond, VA

June 2017 - August 2017

The Martin Agency is a renowned advertising agency which handles clients such as Gieco, Oreo(Mondelez), and Timberland Pro. 

  • Presented 3 comprehensive strategy and competitive reports directly to OREO, Ritz, WHEAT THiNS, and GOOD THiNS clients

  • Collaborated directly with US and Global supervisors to guide self-assigned competitive report project for Mondelez OREO

  • Analyzed strategy solutions for the OREO client in brainstorming sessions


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Art Archival Intern

vENICE Beach, CA

auGUST 2016 - nOVEMBER 2016

Wrapped is a startup that creates creative prints, paintings, and covers for offices, homes, and work spaces focusing on innovative interior design. 

  •  Archived and organized original art pieces made by Wrapped

  • Researched emerging international art makers in order to ascertain best strategies to contact them


Pomona College Office of the Dean

Mentor Liaison


August 2016 - December 2016

  • Directed programs and meetings centered around supporting 10 mentoring groups on Pomona's campus

  • Coordinated budgeting and planning for mentor groups on campus which centered on programming for integrating first-year students into the campus culture 



Operations Intern

Los Angeles, CA

June 2016 - July 2016

Mahmee is a startup based out of Los Angeles that helps new moms connect with lactation consultants, offer tips on breast feeding, and provide a space for new moms to connect. 

  • Directly assisted the CEO of the company with day to day operations

  • Generated reports on competitive markets

  • Created analyses of company trends and internal company performance that were presented to the CEO


Study Abroad

Florence, iTALY

Janurary 2017- April 2017

I studied abroad in Italy for a semester so I could get better at Italian, see some art, and eat a lot of pasta. Prior to, I had taken a year and a half of Italian in college.

While abroad I ate lots pasta, did some traveling, argued with a taxi driver in Milan and am now solidly competent in speaking intermediate Italian.

I can also navigate a city with incorrect information on Google maps while avoiding getting hit by a vespa. In short, I can speak Italian to an old lady and ask her why a big bus station on the map isn't where it says it should be, with a smile.